Bellpeppers are very easy to grow:
Bell peppers are a perennial in tropical areas. But in colder climates, they are grown as annuals and they really have no tolerance for cold weather. They require a fairly long growing season, often up to 90 or even 100 days, so the shorter your summer, the sooner you need to start seeds indoors.
Best way to grow Bellpepper from Seeds:
To grow bell peppers, start by planting bell pepper seeds indoors 2 months before the last expected frost. Then, once the seedlings sprout and grow their first true leaves, transplant them into containers. Keep the containers in a sunny spot, and fertilize them with a slow-release granular fertilizer to help them grow.
Growing bellpepper Seeds in container or Pot:
Planting bell pepper in containers requires a pot that is at least 10-12 inches deep and wide and has sufficient drainage holes. You can grow up to 2-3 plants (smaller varieties) in such a pot. Avoid using the black color container if you’re growing bell pepper in a tropical climate.
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